Sunday, February 22, 2009

Time to stop the spread of negativism

It has been a while since the last update was done. I stopped blogging, not due to the lack of time or the lack of interest. It is quite the opposite. I stopped to prevent the spread of negative news which was being reported each day. I stopped to prevent a vicious cycle of pessimism and negativism from occurring which would negate the positive effects of any stimulus package that were being done by the governments of the world.

"Can Talk of a Depression Lead to One?", by Robert J. Shiller, The New York Times, 21 Feb 2009 sums it best with and I quote, "EARLY in the Great Depression, people were concerned that, as one observer put it in 1931, we may “pass through a long period of mediocre business activity like that of the 1890s.”"

I definately would not want the Great Depression from happening ever again. It was painful for those living through that period. It was also painful on how the world came out from it, through a World War. ("Who’ll Stop the Pain?", by Paul Krugman, The New York Times, 19 Feb 2009)

The world needs positive news, now more than ever before. Hence, before anyone goes further with the constant bombardment of negative news, think of its effects. Of course, there is still a need for factual reporting of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), retail sales revenue, companies' profits/loss announcements, et cetera. But once negative news is out, just let it pass. Do not keep spreading it. Do not let negativism feed negativism.

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