Monday, August 13, 2007

Facing Life With A Sprain Ankle

Inspiration, youth and time. That's what all of us think we have. However, it always takes an incident/accident to make us realise our own mortality.

Never before I stopped to see the world from this different angle. But it has brought before me the realisation of what I take for granted on a daily basis.

The ability for us to control our bodily fuctions is a gift. The abilities to crawl, walk, run and jump are common to those who are fortunate, and they are many fortunate people around.

When you can't walk properly, you'll find that the traffic light changes rapidly. And you start to think how the elderly are able to cross without the fear of their lives.

When you can't walk properly, you'll find that stares from people are common. And you start to think what those people's thoughts are.

When you can't walk properly, you'll find that tasks once every so simple is so difficult to do. And you start to think if you can actually complete those tasks.

Being able to control one's bodily functions, gives one's self-confidence and esteem. Losing any and you'll start to lose both.

Everyday is a challenge, even if it is just to get out from bed. Need to challenge self and increase own's self-confident and esteem is left only through own motivational thoughts.

Appreciate life, appreciate the finer things in life.